BALANCE by Zynaptiq is a new cutting-edge adaptive equalizer that intelligently matches the frequency distribution of your audio to the target EQ curve you set! 33% off for a launch sale of $99.


Zynaptiq BALANCE is a cutting-edge adaptive equalizer that intelligently matches the frequency distribution of your audio to the target EQ curve you set! 33% off for a launch sale of $99.

BALANCE makes shaping your global EQ curve quick and easy. A 16-channel smart equalizer that adaptively controls the overall frequency distribution of your audio, BALANCE intelligently adjusts your audio to fit the target EQ curve you set with just a few controls. Almost instantly position your source in the right position, balance your full mix, or add a little extra flair to a great-sounding recording. It works like a match EQ, is as easy to operate as a tilt EQ, and sounds like a Zynaptiq EQ.


Built with a unique minimum-phase filter, BALANCE uses very little CPU and incurs only 3 samples of latency. Of course, it sounds great and doesn't suffer from any of the pre-ringing that linear-phase designs cause.

Modern computers can run literally hundreds of channels, making BALANCE a great addition to your default session. Try it once and you'll never go back.

The plugin features a Metal/Direct 3D accelerated analyzer, allowing the CPU to focus on audio while the GPU does the drawing. The analyzer can of course be hidden to save screen space and system resources. Just switch to the compact EASY view.

Whether you're a mix engineer, sound designer, content creator, re-recording mixer, composer or music producer, BALANCE is for you.

Adaptive balance equalizer for quick adjustments to the overall frequency response.
Custom-designed minimum phase filtering for pure sound, low CPU usage and 3 sample latency.
Supports up to 16 channels for an immersive workflow.
SLOPE, WEIGHTING, BASS and AIR controls make it easy to adjust your target response curve.
Global EQ amount control.
Wet gain control for matching input volume, adjusted with EQ amount.
12dB/octave low-cut and high-cut filters.
Optional double precision processing.
Fully vectorized and scalable UI.
Metal/Direct 3D accelerated analyzer display.
Compact EASY view.

Until 23th March.