Introducing D10Labo "LowBitMonoSyn," a free 8-bit monophonic synthesizer ideal for chiptunes.
D10Labo "LowBitMonoSyn" is an 8-bit synthesizer with two oscillators. Waveforms necessary for approximate chip tuning are provided, such as pulse, triangle, noise, saw, etc. in various ratios of sine.
FM modulation and LFO modulation are also provided, so you can create more complex sounds than you think. Although it is simple, it has many knobs, and they are all concentrated on one screen, making it convenient for creating NES sounds and chiptunes.
- 2 OSC-8-bit sine wave, pulse 3:1, pulse 1:1, pulse 1:7, 4-bit tri, 4-bit saw and 4-bit noise (like the family computer)
- Pitch - pitch and fine, environmental modulation, LFO modulation, osc2> osc1 (FM) and osc2 feedback
- 2 ADR controls
- 1 LFO (4-bit tri-wave)
- Portamento and volume controls.
- Resizable window.
You can download it here.