[Review] Native Instrument "KOMPLETE Classics Collection" Review
I would like to focus mainly on the synths.
The synthesizer that defined bass music, this powerful synthesizer is an uncompromising sonic monster and a dependable choice for bass music and electro producers MASSIVE is a sonic monster and the ultimate bass and lead synthesizer. The virtual analog concept believes in the modern, cutting-edge sound it produces. Clearly laid out and easy to use, MASSIVE shivers from the very first note.
A classic synth that no longer needs any explanation. The MASSIVE X has recently been released, but it remains steadfast. It is said to have a strong bass sound, but if you want a metallic sound or the sound of an amusement machine, this is the one. (The routing is similar to that of Serum, but the modulation is represented by numbers, which may not be familiar to those who use other recent synths.
I think Serum has a similar tendency when compared to other synths, but I feel that it has more of an analog feel to the sound than Serum.
The modulation amount is adjusted by moving the number slots up and down, which is different from modern synths, but the parameters are similar so you can easily understand them.
FM8 offers an unprecedented range of features and effects. Classic crystal bells and keys are perfect for creating melodic and percussive sounds of the highest quality. A unique arpeggiator, innovative sound morphing capabilities, and a rich selection of new charismatic effects add countless sound-shaping possibilities The sonic potential of FM8 goes far beyond the scope of traditional FM synthesis.
A central aspect of FM8 is its ease of use. The "EasyEditPage" provides a clearly designed interface with simple controls that automatically adjust more complex parameters, allowing for a much more musical approach to FM synthesis. The more detailed editing pages have been improved for easier handling and one-click access to everything, and you're ready to play right out of the box with FM8!
Many people think of FM synthesizers as esoteric, but this synthesizer is intuitive because it feels like an extension of a regular synthesizer for sound creation. First of all, the factory library is very extensive and categorized by tone. So even if you have no idea how FM synthesizers work, you can learn from the presets.
The arpeggiator is excellent for triggering pitch as well as articulations.
The FM matrix of modulators and carriers in the Expert section is very easy to operate, and in the case of FM8, it is completed on a single screen. Even if you don't know much about it, just try playing around with it and you will probably get a feel for how to create sounds.
Semi-modular synthesizer offering a wide range of sonic possibilities. Ideal for pads, endlessly evolving soundscapes, otherworldly sounds, and more, ABSYNTH 5 is a synthesizer with extraordinary sonic possibilities. Its specialty is unusual evolving sounds created using a powerful hybrid synthesis architecture and sophisticated modulations and effects. 2,100+ presets to delve into or start building your own sound world.
Perhaps the most difficult synth to get to grips with. This synth is a hybrid synthesizer with FM synthesis, PCM, and granular functions. It is also possible to load original samples. Even custom editing of waveforms is possible.

It is not easy to understand because you have to switch between multiple screens, from LFO to effects, etc. (and in most cases, you have to use numbers to move parameters), but in any case, it has a full range of parameters.
The envelope can also be set to any plot, and modulated with the LFO for complex operations.
General Comments
This is a very useful tool for those who want to use the live instruments in Komplete, but who do not have MASSIVE, as many of them can be replaced by other instruments.
I would recommend Komplete to anyone, especially if you don't have MASSIVE.