List of sites that distribute a large number of high-quality sound sample packs free of charge (updated 5/24/2022)
List of sites that distribute a large number of high-quality sound sample packs free of charge (updated 5/24/2022)
List of sites that distribute a large number of high-quality sound sample packs free of charge (updated 5/24/2022)
This is a list of sites that distribute a large number of high-quality sample packs free of charge.
Sample packs and presets are often distributed for free from various sources.
However, there are so many free sample packs and presets distributed from various sources that many of you may not be able to keep up with them, or you may want to drop only the ones that you can use.
So this time, we have compiled a list of sites that distribute a large number of high-quality sample packs and presets free of charge, in other words, sites where you can download them all at once. We are updating the list as needed.
Incognet Samples is a sample pack maker that focuses on dance music. They also seem to have a good selection of hard music samples. They also provide a lot of template data for free.
ADSR is a long-established store that offers plug-ins and sample packs from a variety of manufacturers. In fact, they also distribute some free sample packs.
This is a developer that releases many high-quality sample packs that also focus on cinematic and other types of sample packs. They don't often sell individual sample packs, but they do distribute some of their products for free.
Not a very famous developer, but they distribute a lot of sample packs, mainly for dance music such as DnB and dubstep.
(NEW!) Plugin Boutique
Plugin Boutique is well-known for their sales, but they also distribute free sample packs as well as free sound sources and plug-ins.
You can access the list of free sample packs by going to Free -> Studio Tools -> Sample Packs from their official website. (Due to the structure of the site, direct links could not be established.)
(New!) ancore
A little-known online store that focuses on sample packs and presets. There are many free Spire presets, sample packs, and construction kits available. It seems to be quite biased towards dance music such as trance and house.
(New!) Ghosthack
A popular developer specializing in sample packs. They have 3000 free sample packs of EDM, trap, dubstep, and more. They also offer Massive and Serum presets, midi packs, construction kits, and more. In addition, every December, Cymatics organizes an annual advent calendar where sample packs are given out every day until Christmas.

Cymatics distributes a number of sample packs and presets for classic synths such as Serum. I have the impression that beat and material sound systems are strong. They also frequently distribute free products for a limited time, and often give out discount coupons for products that can be purchased with just a coupon.
This is another online store that offers a large number of free presets, midi, and sample packs for classic synths like Massive and Serum. Vocal sample packs are also available on the Free Downloads page.
Free Ambient Vocals

This site seems to have a good selection of presets for various synthesizers.
Not only the standard synth presets such as Sylenth, but also the good synth presets such as Synthmaster and U-he are available. There are also a number of free Kontakt instruments available on the Freebies page.
Loopcloud(note: changed to a monthly subscription)
Loopcloud is a sample pack management software service that offers samples on a subscription basis. All samples can be loaded from the plugin in one go, so it is highly recommended as a plugin.
W.A. Production is a developer that distributes a large amount of free sample packs.
There are also some sample packs that include DJ shout-outs, which are very valuable. I have the impression that many of the samples are quite useful.
There are also construction kits for DAWs such as Ableton and FL Studio, which can be found in the Free Downloads bar.
Lucid Samples is a little-known dealer in Japan, but it is an online store that sells a number of sample packs.
They also distribute many original free sample packs, and currently 9 sample packs are available for download. This place also seems to be strong in EDM.
Dealer of many sample packs. Although there is only one free sample pack, a free pack including a preset pack with 1.5 GB worth of space is available.
What do you think? We will update this page as needed.