Hexachords' Orb Composer Pro S 1.5, a powerful artificial intelligence based composition support software, is 90% off, $40 overwhelmingly the lowest price ever!
Hexachords' Orb Composer Pro S 1.5, a powerful artificial intelligence based composition support software, is 90% off, $40 overwhelmingly the lowest price ever!
Hexachords' Orb Composer Pro S 1.5, a powerful artificial intelligence based composition support software, is 90% off, $40 overwhelmingly the lowest price ever! There may be a price correction coming, so this is an opportunity you don't want to miss.
One of the major features of Hexachords "Orb Composer Pro S 1.5" is the ability to block and recombine song sections and material. The ability to suggest MIDI data through machine learning is also unrivaled by any other software.
Creating an entire piece of music has never been easier: import MIDI ideas into OrbComposer and generate an entire piece of music with just a few clicks. The Smart Melody Import feature is a very powerful and easy-to-use tool for any musician or composer who needs to get the final music idea very quickly.

Create your own compositions
Drag and drop music blocks along the timeline of each sequence of the song (introduction, theme, variations, transitions, endings, etc.) to create the complete structure of the composition. You can include any number of blocks without restrictions. Each block can be independent of the others; Orb Composer also provides an implementation of block variations. This allows you to resume the main theme in a variety of ways.

Orb Composer incorporates a vast collection of different chord types to provide a wide range of colors of music. This includes both basic and extended chord libraries. A simple search tool helps you find the chord you are looking for. To include a selected chord in a block, drag and drop an end block into this block. The highlighted key reminds you to note the selected chord.
Through 3/31.
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