Bela D Media has launched a sale, offering 35% off various products, including Native Voice SORA, a vocal virtual instrument library featuring Japanese-style female vocalists!


Bela D Media has launched a sale, offering 35% off various products, including Native Voice SORA, a vocal virtual instrument library featuring Japanese-style female vocalists!

Bela D Media has started a sale, offering 35% off various products, including "Native Voice SORA," a vocal virtual instrument library featuring Japanese female vocalists. Native Voice SORA" is normally $139, but is now $52.

Bela D Media has reinvented a classic series of vocal libraries. Originally recorded in 2009 by producer Rishabh Rajan Native Voice, they feature advanced script control and remastered audio and are once again ready for prime time. Featuring a female vocalist of Japanese descent, SORA is sure to unleash your creative genius. The vocal phrases used contain no actual words of meaning, but the soloist sings in an indigenous tongue, creating the illusion of language for the user.

Sample Details
  • Soprano solo voice
  • Nikkei
  • 96 sample vocal phrases
  • Various keys
  • Audio Details
  • Studio dry environment
  • Historical church IRF included (not used)
  • Positioning near microphones
  • Recorded via ProToolsHD via NeumannU-87
  • 24-bit audio
  • SORA Gui

Vocal Tools Phrase Control
Vocal Tools Phrase Control is a sophisticated power tool designed to ease the burden on the composer at work. Most aspects are done behind the scenes or on the fly. Again, Bela D Media offers a new and exciting level when manipulating sampled audio. With this insightful and user-friendly script, the user is in control without guesswork.


  • Jukebox-style phrase sequencing
  • Drop-down menu displaying musical keys for all phrases
  • Drop-down menu with phonetic spelling for all phrases
  • Mod wheel control sample offset for linear phrase manipulation
  • Pitch bend wheel assigned to sample speed offsets (slow and speed up) for subtle tempo manipulation
  • Multiverse creation bank
  • 12 storage locations
  • 16 steps per self-designed vocal movement
  • GUI-controllable attack and release per vocal element
  • GUI-controllable vocal EQ and effects
  • Impulse response church reverb controllable via GUI
  • Bypass for dry studio environments

Requires full version of Kontakt.
Various other products are on sale, through 6/14.
Click here for details.