Black Octopus starts Summer Sale, 50% off various products including "Zara Taylor - Music Box", a vocal sample pack featuring Zara Taylor's singing voice, perfect for EDM and progressive house!


Black Octopus starts Summer Sale, 50% off various products including "Zara Taylor - Music Box", a vocal sample pack featuring Zara Taylor's singing voice, perfect for EDM and progressive house!

Black Octopus has started its summer sale, offering 50% off various products, including "Zara Taylor - Music Box," a vocal sample pack featuring Zara Taylor's singing voice, ideal for EDM and progressive house.

Black Octopus Sound is very excited to announce the long-awaited second vocal pack from the world-renowned ZaraTaylor. The "Music Box" takes us on an emotional journey through nine song kits featuring a bonus collection of samples and presets. These dynamic song kits contain inspiring vocal content that speaks consciously and openly, utilizing Zara's unique ability to connect with the audience. Extremely easy to use and versatile, the vocals are available in both wet and dry versions in a variety of keys including D#min, Emin, Gmin, Amin, Bmin, Fmin, and tempos ranging from 118 to 140, there is something for everyone's taste! . For advanced producers, there are also two completely freestyle tracks with no tempo lock ("Hellisback" and "EmptySpaces"). As an added bonus, Zara Taylor Music Box includes Vocal Atmospheres and FX, as well as additional sounds by producer MartinGraff. Martin Graff has included three kits with additional Serum presets, a Sylenth1 preset, Claps, Hihats & Rides, Kicks, Loops, Snares, and Midi.

Ends 8/9. For more information, click here.
Black Octopus Sound
Also on sale are a variety of other products.