Various editions of Steinberg's "Wavelab Element/Pro," the world's leading audio editing and mastering solution software, are now 40% off!


Various editions of Steinberg's "Wavelab Element/Pro," the world's leading audio editing and mastering solution software, are now 40% off!


Various editions of Steinberg's Wavelab Element/Pro, the world's leading audio editing and mastering solution software, are now 40% off. Also included is a free update to version 11.1.

Introducing the most comprehensive and intuitive feature set ever created, WaveLabPro reinvents audio sophistication once again.WaveLab 11 continues the evolution of a highly flexible product, including features requested by audio professionals to make it more comprehensive than ever WaveLab 11 continues to evolve into an extremely flexible product, including features requested by audio professionals to make it more comprehensive than ever. All tasks related to the mastering process are now covered, and additional innovative tools have been added to maximize flexibility and use for a variety of other audio tasks.

 New features in WaveLab Pro version 11:.

  • Multi-channel interleave support: WaveLab 11 introduces for the first time extended support for multi-channel interleave files and multi-channel interleave editing in the audio editor. WAV files (including Ambisonics files) supporting up to 22.2 surround layouts can be opened, edited, and saved just like any other set of mono or stereo files. Comprehensive controls facilitate accurate editing, and external editors can work only with selected channels. Detailed new selection options include very flexible frequency domain selection in SpectrumEditor. Audio Montage allows for quick import of large multi-channel files by automatically splitting multi-channel audio files into mono or stereo clusters. This also allows the plug-in to process channel clusters independently of each other.
  • Track Groups in a multitrack/stem workflow: Track groups consist of audio tracks that are routed to a group bus before the signal passes through a montage output, then a master section. This provides an additional additive stage with effects plug-ins, gain, and pan controls. Track groups are especially useful for stem mastering. Along with track lanes, they are another way to apply the common track group effect chain to a stem mastering project. Track groups can be created by selecting tracks from the corresponding group channel. Using the Track Group Editor, tracks and track groups can be named and renamed, and colors can be assigned and moved per drag-and-drop.
  • Track Lanes for multi-track/stem workflows: Track Lanes is a flexible new feature that allows audio tracks to be divided into eight sub-lanes. Each lane hosts an audio clip. This is especially useful when working with mixed stems in a montage. Clip effects as well as track effects can be applied to all clips, providing a final processing chain for all stems on a track. Track lanes can also be used for sound design tasks such as assembling, editing, and processing sound effects from layered clips. Each track lane has comprehensive controls for selecting, soloing/muting, folding/unfolding, converting lanes to tracks, and merging selected tracks as lanes.
  • Parameter automation with clip envelopes: Clip envelopes can now be used to automate parameters in VST3 plug-ins. In addition to volume, pan, and effects wet/dry parameters, clip envelopes are managed from the new Automation Envelopes panel in the Inspector window. Right-click on a parameter to assign an envelope to a parameter, text edit a single envelope point, turn envelopes on and off, and easily manage visibility individually or globally.
  • SuperVision Analyzer: In addition to the WaveLab Analysis Meter, WaveLab 11 features SuperVision, a new professional analysis tool. and features 27 different modules that can be applied to up to 9 module slots for level, spectral, phase, and waveform analysis. This allows you to create a completely customized layout for a very accurate visual picture of your audio project. Multiple instances can be opened to monitor audio signals at different stages.

  • World-leading audio editing and mastering solution supporting sample rates up to 384 kHz
  • State-of-the-art spectrogram editing, including state-of-the-art spectrogram with wavelet display, professional spectral editor, Steinberg's patent-pending audio painting technology, and live spectrogram display
  • Full M/S compatibility: comprehensive M/S audio editing, processing, and monitoring
  • MasterRig: high-end mastering plug-in suite with 6 modules, 8 instances, and full M/S support
  • RestoreRig plug-in suite for audio restoration with DeClicker, DeCrackler, DePopper, DeNoiser, and DeBuzzer
Ends 6/27. For more information, click here.