BABY AUDIO's IHNY-2, the industry's most powerful compressor that delivers modern, ultra-aggressive, punchy compression, has been released and is now up to 63% off in an intro sale!


BABY AUDIO's IHNY-2, the industry's most powerful compressor that delivers modern, ultra-aggressive, punchy compression, has been released and is now up to 63% off in an intro sale!

BABY AUDIO's IHNY-2, the industry's most powerful compressor for modern, ultra-aggressive, punchy compression, has been released and is now up to 63% off in the intro sale. Upgrades are also available.

The UI has been completely redesigned from version 1 and looks completely different.

Baby Audio has set out to create the most powerful compressor in the industry. It's like slamming your tracks. To achieve that special advantage, the IHNY-2 works in parallel. This allows for more compression while maintaining the dynamics of the dry track.

Modern mixes need punch. And to achieve maximum effect without compromising the dynamics of the tracks, engineers use parallel compression (a technique that blends a dry track with a heavily compressed duplicate). There is no need to set up additional routing. This plug-in is designed for the purpose of slamming tracks in parallel and hits harder than a regular compressor. It is not subtle, but it is a dedicated tool for adding energy and "slap" to drums, mix busses, and even master busses (if you dare!) IHNY-2 is an evolution of Baby Audio's first plug-in, I Heart NY. The original was popular with many users and was chosen for Sound On Sound Magazine's SOS Awards; V2 ships with new features, surgical controls, and sound improvements.


  • Designed for modern, ultra-aggressive compression sounds, perfect for adding power to your tracks
  • Hosts parallel signal chain internally for fast, fault-free parallel compression workflow
  • Significantly upgraded V2 of Baby Audio's first plug-in (I Heart NY) - offering surgical control and a variety of new featuresIHNY-2 splits incoming audio into two duplicates, one unaffected by the plug-in (Dry track) and the other provided by IHNY-2 The vertical axis of the XY pad balances the two signals, and the horizontal axis sets the amount of compression on the Wet track. This allows the plug-in's most important controls to operate in a single motion. 
  • IHNY-2 has an auto-gain algorithm that runs internally and produces consistent output as you move the nodes around the XY pad. However, if the volume is too loud or too quiet, it can be fine-tuned using the Auto Gain slider on the front panel. Behavior. 
  • While the node is moved around the XY pad, a value is displayed under the "AGR" abbreviation (Adjusted Gain Reduction). This number indicates the value of the compression intensity, taking into account the current gain reduction and the dry/wet balance. As a good starting point, Baby Audio recommends targeting an AGR level between -10 and -20.
Until 9/30 For more information, click here.